"Research your 3 favourite style icons..."
Never before has a research assignment filled me with such dread. Style icons? Do I look like I have style icons?! I don't usually admire people for what they wear or how they look - it's who they are and what they do that inspires me. That's not to give weight to the cliche "I'm an individual - I create my own style" - I just don't have one particular style that defines who I am or what I do - I have 'moods' - is that the same? It's all about comfort and colour to me, and this changes on a daily basis; I don't seem to fit into any style categories (that I'm aware of - but I'm happy to be enlightened folks!). Without a clearly defined sense of style, how on earth do I research style icons, never mind post about my top three?!
Maybe it's because I'm not a size 8 who can wear anything the high street or designer boutiques have to offer - I'm never going to look like Kate Moss or Megan Fox so I don't see the point in lusting after what they're wearing or how they're wearing it. Conversely, all of the plus sized celebs seem to have outrageous fashion styles that don't suit my personality (Beth Ditto, anyone?) - it's just not me.
What I've come to realise is that style isn't about the clothes you wear, your hair or your makeup, it's about who you are and what you want to say about yourself; being iconic comes with how you share that with the world.
The 'original' style icons as we recognise them today, are hugely understated - beauties who made the most of what they had, because that was all that was available to them - a sense of glamour that is emulated endlessly in modern society.

Another fashion-related favourite of mine is Gok Wan; his attitude is transferable to any style situation - make it work for you. He shows you how to make the most of your assets (and everyone has assets), and gives you confidence to feel good, and we all look great when we walk tall; with purpose and a smile on our face. He drives forward the mantra "Buy less, wear it more" and shows you how to revitalise your wardrobe; a must for any savvy stylistas in the current economic climate. He has also walked the walk with his own personal swan-like transformation - not that I believe you need to lose weight, wear makeup or undergo surgery to live your life to the fullest, but he has a greater understanding of the internal desire to be 'more' of yourself. Empowering people - that's what I'm about!
So I'm nothing if not unconventional - my last 'style icon' is the one and only Lady Gaga - meat dress included (which is no mean feat for a vegetarian, I tell you!). What I love about the Gaga is her unfaltering belief in what she is doing; she has the fullest commitment to every style, and has created a multitude of interesting characters along the way - Beyonce's Telephone partner-in-crime, her alienesque Born This Way, the wide-eyed Bad Romantic and many more, not forgetting of course, her male alter ego from You and I.
These images are more expressive for me than top models on a high fashion runway, or indeed filmstars of the past or present. Beauty and makeup are all too often associated as interdependent; for one and the same purpose, however the structure of the NQ Level 6 in Media MakeUp also offers opportunity to develop skills outwith the stereotypical glamour - and I'm loving it! Creating a character and daring yourself to have the confidence to carry it off is exciting - being the person to unleash that inner 'you' is even better.
This is a fantastic post and I found your comments both refreshing and very true.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to seeing future posts.